You’ll never need to reach for a paper map again. Toyota’s Touch 2 with Go is a satellite navigation system that won’t disappoint.
Together with our new MyToyota customer portal – personalised for you and your Toyota – your car can become an information hub, just like your smartphone or tablet computer.
By registering your Touch 2 device with your MyToyota profile you can activate and manage a range of useful applications for your Touch 2 system, helping you to stay up-to-date with the latest weather reports, research fuel costs and investigate parking space availability, all in the comfort of your car.
For more on the Toyota Touch 2, Toyota Touch 2 with Go and Toyota Touch 2 with Go Plus, please see our guides to the individual systems below. If you have a specific question about your device, please don’t hesitate to leave us a comment, below.
Toyota Touch 2
The Toyota Touch 2 system is the latest generation of our basic multimedia system and features some important upgrades.
At the core of improvements are redesigned screens with a deeper, 3D effect for graphics. Image resolution has been improved too, meaning the screen is brighter and images are sharper.
On-screen menus have been redesigned to incorporate key vehicle information including fuel economy and DAB radio function (where available). What’s more, the screen now supports ‘drag and flick’ control for easy, intuitive operation.
See also:
MyToyota: Introducing your personalised customer portal
How to pair your phone for calls, music and internet
An introduction to apps
How to update your maps and software
Over-the-Air installation of apps
Toyota Touch 2 with Go
The Toyota Touch 2 with Go system takes all of the basic function of the Touch 2 device and adds a versatile and detailed satellite navigation system.
As well as offering simple-to-use navigation functions, the system also allows users to tailor the information on offer, to include customisable speed limits, speed camera warnings, automatic zoom, motorway signposting and motorway junction views. The map zoom function is controlled by a simple rotary button at the side of the device.
Advanced traffic coverage, now located on the map itself, takes the form of a ‘traffic bar’ showing the driver any congestion ahead, and how long a delay to expect.
Via the Toyota Online function, the system offers on-board connectivity to an expanded range of services including Toyota Real-Time Traffic powered by TomTom, Google Street View and Panoramio, and Google Local Search –the largest and most up-to-date search database in the world.
The MyToyota customer portal also allows users to plan their journeys online. Destinations can be input remotely from home or office via Google Maps, and Points of Interest (POI) may be downloaded for entry as destinations.
Toyota Online content includes a Touch 2 with Go Apps function which offers several applications, including fuel prices, weather and parking space information.
See also:
How to use sat-nav features
How to send directions to your device
How to search online with Google Streetview and Panoramio
How To Use Toyota Real Time Traffic
Toyota Touch 2 with Go Plus
When upgraded to Touch 2 with Go Plus, the touch-screen multimedia system comes equipped with 3D city models, landmark graphics and a ‘text-to-speech’ message readout facility.
The system will display emails and calendars depending on Bluetooth mobile phone compatibility. It also features a ‘Play More like This’ function. This smart music recognition system can automatically provide playlist recommendations to suit your mood; a safe and easy way to manage music on the move.
Touch 2 with Go Plus supports Wi-Fi connectivity. Users set up their smartphones as a Wi-Fi hotspot for connection to the system’s online functions.
Toyota has always kept things simple which I personally like , I think it can be said that over complicated systems can cause more problem areas than they remedy , Simple and straightforward should be the motto always
when I accept a phone call on my touch to go system it doesn’t automatically coonect to hands free how do I set this uo
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your comment.
We would recommend contacting our specialist multimedia team for further help with this.
They can be reached here:
Alternatively, here is a link to a blog post explaining how to connect your phone to your Toyota Touch 2 system and how to check which of your phone’s functions are compatible:
Can this be connected to a 2018 Aygo
Hi Mark,
Please provide the vehicle registration so we can look into this for you.
I have recently bought a 2019 Yaris, having connected to the sat nav traffic alerts I get a warning each time I start the car regarding the costs. What are these costs and who are they payable to?
Hi Brian,
We’re not quite sure what you mean.
We would recommend contacting our Multimedia team for further assistance.
You can do so here –
You don’t seem to know the difference between Touch 2 and Touch 2 with Go, all your videos are concerned with the latter, and none with the basic Touch 2, which i have in my Yaris Y20 . Is it not a full functioning Satellite Navigation system, if not why bother with the maps ?
Hi Chris, thanks for getting in touch.
Our Connectivity team are best placed to answer your queries.
They can be found here:
Hi there, please would you be able to help me find out what system I have? We have a 2018 Hybrid Yaris Rxcel 1.5 Icon, and through Bluetooth pairing I have learned that we have Touch 2 With Go. When I try to register on my phone to use the Send To Car feature, it asks me if it’s 1st Generation or 2nd Generation. I wasn’t told about the Touch 2 Go Charm that I’ve just read about. What generation would ours be please? Thank you.
Hi Bea, thanks for your comment.
Please can you provide your vehicle registration so that we can look into this for you.
Hi. I have a 2014 Yaris and when using sad nav it starts of ok but when further into journey it seems to lose me and place me in the middle of nowhere, can you please explain how this can be sorted out.
Many thanks
Hi Anthony,
As we’re sure you can appreciate, this is difficult for us to advise on virtually.
We would recommend contacting your nearest Toyota Centre for further assistance.
Hi my sat nav go on to world maps after a short while Why please
Hi Pat, thanks for your question.
This sounds like one for your local Toyota Centre to take a quick look at in person.
You can find your nearest branch here:
Toyota UK
Hello. I have just bought a 2019 Yaris Icon Tech with Touch 2 with Go, and although the sat nav is working ok and getting me to the right place, the display is rotated i.e. when it should be showing me the road ahead, it is actually showing the road pointing to bottom left, South West. I can’t find anywhere in the Touch 2 setups where I can set the rotation of the display, i.e. the compass bearing. Help please!
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your comment.
Please provide your vehicle registration so that we can look into this for you.
Nous sommes propriétaires d’une Yaris (EF-944-LC) et d’une Prius (EJ-632-MW). Sur la Yaris, nos téléphones apairés en Bluetooth avec l’application Toyota Touch fonctionnement parfaitement. Il en était de même sur la Prius. Malheureusement, l’application Toyota Touch 2 with Go ne nous permet plus d’avoir accès aux contacts et aux messages (appels reçus, appels émis, etc.). Pour nos deux téléphones, le système reste bloqué sur “Actualisation en cours”. Nous recevons cependant les appels téléphoniques mais, pour appeler, il est nécessaire de taper un numéro au clavier, ce qui n’est pas satisfaisant. En résumé, Toyota Touch fonctionne parfaitement sur la Yaris, mais Toyota Touch 2 with Go ne fonctionne pas sur la Prius. Que faire ? Cordialement