New Toyota Auris: your questions answered

The all-new Toyota Auris is set to be revealed at the Paris Motor Show later this week, and we’ll be ready and waiting to bring you all the news on Toyota’s latest family car – direct from the motor show floor.

See also:
New grade and new options for 2014 Auris range
Toyota Auris: The Great British hybrid [Infographic]
London’s top film locations: Auris at the Movies

If you have anything you’d like to know about the newcomer, just ask us a question and we’ll get an answer for you. Take a look at our first images and video of the car here for inspiration.

We’ll start answering questions after the wraps come off the car on Thursday morning.

So don’t be shy, get in contact and give us your questions! Just type them in in the comments box below.


By Will McManus


  1. Thank you for your reply and the link to-contact Toyota, the car has been checked by the main dealer and a slight adjustment was required to the headlights. I have not used this car after dark since the adjustment so can not comment any further. The main dealer staff were fantastic and said any future problems to contact them.

    1. Hello A Cunnane
      Thanks for your post.
      Sorry for the delay in replying but we are having to double check this with our product team and will confirm as soon as we have the answer. We did click on the link you attached but this did not link to the story regarding UV glass?

    2. Hi A Cunnane,

      Thanks for your patience regarding your enquiry about the Auris’ UV protective glass. We can now confirm that Auris has green tinted glass with UV protection. If you have any further questions please do get in touch.

  2. Hello Saj
    Thanks for your post.
    We would recommend that you contact your nearest Toyota dealer who would need to diagnose this for you. If you are unsure regard the loacation of your nearest dealer then we do have a dealer locator facility at our wesbsite
    Hope this helps

  3. Hello Stu
    Thank you for your further post.
    We appreciate your feedback regarding your recent visit to a dealer and that they were able to help you further.

  4. Hi my Auris icon dashboad keeps showing tyre pressure warning light even after checking pressures and pressing the reset button. I have been back to the Toyota dealer a couple of times
    and they say it’s the weather but since September we have had warm,hot cold,rain all kinds of weather so i don’t think that’s the problem, is anyone having or had this happen ?

    Thanks Dave Drew.

    1. Hello Dave
      Thanks for your post.
      Sorry to hear that you have having problems with the tyre pressure warning light showing on your dashboard.
      We have had a quick word with our technical team who have suggested that the dealer may just need to re-calibrate the system for you.
      Hope this helps and let us know how you get on.

  5. I have recently purchased a 2013 Toyota Auris Hybrid from the local Toyota dealer and drove it in the dark for the first time yesterday and found the headlights to be dangerously inadequate. We live in an area where there are mainly country roads and feel the car is not suitable for driving whilst it is dark on our unlit roads. I have asked my local dealer if there is anything that can be done to improve the lighting and was told that there was nothing that could be done. I have now started to read other drivers reporting the same problem, so Toyota should be well aware of this and are they going to do anything about it as the car doesn’t seem fit for purpose.

    Many thanks Paul Miller

    1. Hi Paul
      Thanks for your post and for your feedback regarding the headlamp efficiency on your Toyota Auris.
      We were sorry to read your concern and thank you for bringing this to our attention.
      In order that we may properly record this matter we do need to involve our customer relations team. This is because they can register your vehicle details. This can be completed via our Blog and this link will take you straight to the relevant page.
      Hope this helps however if you have any problems please let us know.

  6. Hi David,

    I reported the same problem on another Toyota blog as you suggested. It is very clear that I received a form response from customer relations which effectively said that the lights meet current regulations and they have no plans to do anything about it.

    As a result I checked the current lighting regulations ( ). As there is no requirement for angles of visibility or size of illuminated area, it is hardly surprising that the lights conform.

    Had I realised that the lights were this bad, I would not have bought the car.

    As it is, the only safe way to drive the car on country lanes after dark is to break the law and use the foglights.


    1. Thank you for the reply Bob.
      I do understand the point you make, and thank you for contacting our CR team. They are best placed to officially monitor the feedback we receive rather than just leaving this as a Blog post.

  7. Recently bought a know icon plus hybrid, 2 questions
    First, is the dual boot compartment not a standard on all icon,icon plus and excel hybrid? Coz my car only have the bottom part which is so thin and think would easily break, and read on its brochure that it should be a standard equipment. Second, is tools, i was only provided a tyre repair kit, is basic tools like wheel jack/ car jack not provided of emergency? I know its part of weight reduction for emission but surely that tool is not heavy enough

    1. Hi Melvin
      Thanks for your post and sorry for the delay in replying.
      We have checked with our product team regarding the boot who have confirmed that the dual compartment was fitted as standard on vehicles from August production onwards. Prior to this time it would not have been fitted in the car. We do provide tool repair kits as standard in several of our models but for those owners who prefer a spare wheel then a space saver accessory wheel can be purchased through the parts department at your local Toyota dealer. However we should mention that if you have the hatchback model then the spare wheel will fit slightly proud of the wheel well and does ingress into the boot area. Again your local dealer will be able to help advise on the fitting and the effect if you would like further information about this.
      Hope this helps clarify.

      1. Thanks for the reply. So would it mean that the car i’ ve got is before August production thats why it wasnt fitted as standard, will the dealer be able to retrofit or not at all?
        Im aware of the space saver wheel what im asking is the car jack or wheel jack wasnt even provided only a tyre repair kit, the u space saver wheel will be useless i think if no tools were provided coz you wont be able to lift the car to replace wheels.

  8. Hi John. Thanks for getting in touch. Unfortunately it is not possible to retro fit cruise control. Sorry we couldn’t give you a positive response!

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