Toyota Touch 2: Introduction

You’ll never need to reach for a paper map again. Toyota’s Touch 2 with Go is a satellite navigation system that won’t disappoint.

Together with our new MyToyota customer portal – personalised for you and your Toyota – your car can become an information hub, just like your smartphone or tablet computer.

By registering your Touch 2 device with your MyToyota profile you can activate and manage a range of useful applications for your Touch 2 system, helping you to stay up-to-date with the latest weather reports, research fuel costs and investigate parking space availability, all in the comfort of your car.

For more on the Toyota Touch 2, Toyota Touch 2 with Go and Toyota Touch 2 with Go Plus, please see our guides to the individual systems below. If you have a specific question about your device, please don’t hesitate to leave us a comment, below.

Toyota Touch 2

The Toyota Touch 2 system is the latest generation of our basic multimedia system and features some important upgrades.

At the core of improvements are redesigned screens with a deeper, 3D effect for graphics. Image resolution has been improved too, meaning the screen is brighter and images are sharper.

On-screen menus have been redesigned to incorporate key vehicle information including fuel economy and DAB radio function (where available). What’s more, the screen now supports ‘drag and flick’ control for easy, intuitive operation.

See also:
MyToyota: Introducing your personalised customer portal
How to pair your phone for calls, music and internet
An introduction to apps
How to update your maps and software
Over-the-Air installation of apps

Toyota Touch 2 with Go

The Toyota Touch 2 with Go system takes all of the basic function of the Touch 2 device and adds a versatile and detailed satellite navigation system.

As well as offering simple-to-use navigation functions, the system also allows users to tailor the information on offer, to include customisable speed limits, speed camera warnings, automatic zoom, motorway signposting and motorway junction views. The map zoom function is controlled by a simple rotary button at the side of the device.

Advanced traffic coverage, now located on the map itself, takes the form of a ‘traffic bar’ showing the driver any congestion ahead, and how long a delay to expect.

Via the Toyota Online function, the system offers on-board connectivity to an expanded range of services including Toyota Real-Time Traffic powered by TomTom, Google Street View and Panoramio, and Google Local Search –the largest and most up-to-date search database in the world.

The MyToyota customer portal also allows users to plan their journeys online. Destinations can be input remotely from home or office via Google Maps, and Points of Interest (POI) may be downloaded for entry as destinations.

Toyota Online content includes a Touch 2 with Go Apps function which offers several applications, including fuel prices, weather and parking space information.

See also:
How to use sat-nav features
How to send directions to your device
How to search online with Google Streetview and Panoramio
How To Use Toyota Real Time Traffic

Toyota Touch 2 with Go Plus

When upgraded to Touch 2 with Go Plus, the touch-screen multimedia system comes equipped with 3D city models, landmark graphics and a ‘text-to-speech’ message readout facility.

The system will display emails and calendars depending on Bluetooth mobile phone compatibility. It also features a ‘Play More like This’ function. This smart music recognition system can automatically provide playlist recommendations to suit your mood; a safe and easy way to manage music on the move.

Touch 2 with Go Plus supports Wi-Fi connectivity. Users set up their smartphones as a Wi-Fi hotspot for connection to the system’s online functions.


  1. Hi, Just bought a brand new Yaris Orange edition with the new Touch 2 Go and according to the advert in the paper and I quote ” FREE sat Nav INCLUDING live Traffic & on-line search”… ermmm that’s not true Toyota ! unless I’m missing something.. you have to pay the minimum of £27.00 … that’s not free ! Can you please explain ??



  2. Hi Thomas,
    We have had a look in the Bluetooth compatibility list and the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is compatible for use in a Touch 2 (without Go) system (with the exception of e-mail notification, read e-mail & browse functions).
    Therefore, the fact that the Touch 2 unit is continuously re-booting once the phone is paired, is something that needs to be investigated by a Toyota Centre.

  3. Hello i need some halp,I have Corolla 2016 but I have problem connecting to multimedia sistem becouse my Device ID is not correct can someone please halp me ?
    PS I tried typing everything with and widouth spaces

    Softwere version is 0101AF
    Device ID is 13TFDAEU-DA07

      1. No,I’m on trip outside my country so I looked some forums and I saw this one in UK.
        I will contact my dealer when I come back,but I hoped that u could answer me I was thinking that is same multimedia for all countries

      2. Hi Tarik,
        Unfortunately, we’re unable to advise on a non UK specific vehicle. We would have to advise contacting your nearest dealer for that information/advise. Many thanks.

  4. Ella, there seems to be work going on within the ‘ website currently, I was registered with my 2 vehicles listed – but now it will not recognise me and ‘doesn’t know’ me.

  5. Hello, I have not been impressed with Touch 2 Go. Unresponsive, unintuitive and does not support half the things it’s meant to, like calendar and email. Volume adjustments mean that navigation is either too loud or too soft. Prius I owned used to duck the audio, and worked perfectly. Google send to (mapping) does not work. Why have you not used Android Auto – this is what I want?

    1. Hi Stephen
      Couldn’t agree anymore…its an overpriced item. And anyway Toyota now is aiming at 60+ generation. I bought new auris and regretting it.

      1. I really like the car, but the multimedia/nav is poor compared with others. Toyota needs to update and allow Android Auto as well, which may go some way to improve the situation.

    2. Hi Stephen , which one do you have ie the newest interface MM16 or the older one ie MM13 cheers

      1. From personal experience I think you will find a free-standing Tomtom satnav is a far better cheaper option than the plumbed-in version.

  6. Hi,

    Any update about Mirrorlink? I am still waiting for that feature to become useful. While I was ordering Corolla in 2015 I was ensured that it will work. Can not belive that this is Toyota standard of customer care and advertising.


  7. Hi Akos,
    Thank you for your comment. Please could you provide your VIN number as well as the type and software version of the Touch system. Many thanks.

    1. Hi,

      It is a Toyota Touch® 2 with Go. Software version: 6.9.0WL. The device ID starts like this: CgWYk _7__ 05UT ….

      I do not want to share neither the VIN number nor the complete device ID here in the forum. The information above must be enough to answer which version of screen mirroring is supported and if there is an update available now or the near future.

    2. Hi,

      Is it serious? Touch 2 mirrorlink can be used with 5-6 year old phones only? Will it be compatible with newer phones ever?

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