DPF regeneration: your questions answered

DPF regeneration Hilux

Although Toyota’s passenger car range is predominantly focused around petrol-electric hybrid powertrains, the Land Cruiser, Hilux and Proace models are fitted with diesel engines. A diesel particulate filter (DPF) is a feature of these models, and you may have heard about the need for regular DPF regeneration. What does this component do and how do you take care of it?

What does a diesel particulate filter (DPF) do?

The DPF is fitted within the exhaust system and is designed to catch soot particles and nitrous oxide (NOx) from the combustion process that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. The DPF is highly effective and traps around 80% of these harmful particulates.

DPF regeneration

Why do modern diesel engines need a DPF?

European legislation places strict exhaust emissions targets on all vehicle manufacturers. From September 2009, the Euro 5 legislative standard came into effect, part of which required all diesel cars registered from that point on to be equipped with a diesel particulate filter, or DPF.

These filters are used throughout the industry in all diesel-powered passenger vehicles, and their efficiency is vital now that stringent Euro 6d emissions standards are in force.

Do I need to replace a DPF during normal servicing?

Diesel particulate filters do have a capacity limit and can become full. But unlike traditional air, oil or pollen filters that need to be exchanged manually at regular intervals, the DPF has a much longer service life and is designed to regenerate to restore its performance.

The car’s electronic control unit (ECU) is programmed to do this automatically, neutralising the soot by burning it off at high temperature within the exhaust system while the vehicle is running. All modern cars with diesel engines follow this procedure.

DPF regeneration Proace

How does DPF regeneration occur?

The regeneration occurs automatically, usually without the driver being aware that it is taking place. In the majority of cases, the process is carried out when the engine and exhaust system has reached normal operating temperature and the vehicle is travelling at over 40mph.

However, if your driving is limited to urban areas, the low speeds and frequent stops mean the conditions for normal regeneration do not exist. In these instances, the ECU monitors the accumulation of soot and instructs an alternative regeneration programme to begin well before the filter becomes saturated.

This programme injects small quantities of fuel into the engine after combustion, which increases the temperature within the exhaust system and creates an environment where it is possible to safely burn off the soot.

This method is very successful within the small percentage of vehicles where normal regeneration is not possible. However, due to the nature of city traffic, the regeneration process can be interrupted when the vehicle completes its short journey and is turned off. If this occurs, the ECU is programmed to recommence the process when the engine is restarted and back up to temperature again.

DPF regeneration Land Cruiser

How can I help prevent DPF blockages in my Toyota?

Follow these four simple actions:

1. Regularly drive your Toyota on highways at speeds of between 40-55mph for around 20-30 minutes.

2. Avoid spending unnecessary amounts of time with the engine idling.

3, Try to limit the frequency of short journeys where the engine is running for less than ten minutes.

4. Do not ignore dashboard alerts related to the DPF.

Will I be warned if all DPF regeneration processes have been unsuccessful?

Very occasionally, use of the vehicle might be such that it will have been impossible for the ECU to complete the administration of any regeneration procedure. At this point, the DPF will have become overloaded and stopped functioning, so your Toyota will illuminate a warning light in the dashboard. It will then be necessary for the soot to be neutralised and the filter regenerated manually at a main dealer.

It is extremely unwise to ignore this visual warning as the DPF can become irreparably damaged. What’s more, it is illegal to remove the filter entirely.

Learn more: What is the exhaust gas recirculation valve and what does it do?


    1. Hi Martin,
      Thank you for your comment. We wouldn’t recommend removing the DPF filter as the reason for fitting a DPF is to meet emission targets set by the EU. Many thanks.

      1. Thank you for your reply, i understand that there are EU regulations my question is if it is possible i.e in non EU countries my car is an import from UK thank you

      2. Hi I have 15 plate Rav4 I have exactly same problem if you find anything to clear your problem let us know please. I bought Farmer & Carlisle Toyota Leicester I have within month had DPF problem, and salesman said to it very good car and they do not advised diesel car not good for city and sort journey when I gat to back Toyota and they said me diesel car not good for sort journey you have to run all the time long journey and I have purchase hire so I cant give them back I am stuck 41 month. when we are bay car they sale quickly car after don’t care ones had a money.

  1. Hi Martin,
    It is possible to remove the DPF, however, removing it would be changing the homologation of the vehicle, so not something we would recommend. Hope this helps.

  2. This DPF is driving me mad. Every time I call about about my concern, I get told it’s fine without anyone even wanting to see my Hilux.
    I literally have 2 days out of the week were the car isnt blowing these fumes/ smoke out and the other 5 days it just blows all the time. I’m sick of it. I’ve been pulled over twice by police, had people follow me on the rod and pull me up to complain about the smoke bellowing out of the back. It concerns me some much, and yet as I said, I keep being told by Toyota it’s normal. How can a be 2 year old car blow smoke for 5 days a week regularly? From what I’ve read, it’s meant to go for around 10min… doesn’t obviously add up when I can’t drive normally for days and hours with this happening all the time!

    Pretty fed up!

    1. I have a similar issue and response from Toyota. My DPF burn off operates every 400km now since the last service and ECU check. Fuel consumption has risen, not to mention is bloody annoying with the car revving higher most of the time…

    2. Hi i have 15 plate avensis i have exactly same problem if you find anything to clear your problem let us know please

  3. hi Glen, did you got any DTC code? I think i have similar problem. I have replaced with toyota DPF and after 450 km got increased diesel consumption. I see increased value of 5. injector on diagnostic (Exhaust fuel adition FB=1,29).

    1. Hello from Poland, I was being a happy owner of Toyota Auris 2.0 D4D 2007 until two days ago when I saw an illuminate warning check engine in my dashboard and after a few kilometers a safe mode started. It found out that it was P2002 mistake it means my DPF stopped working.I didn’t know what to do so I went to the local mechanic who used a computer program and drove my car for few minutes at high speed and the car started work at the normal way. In fact the last three weeks the car was used only in the city in a very shot distance. My question is what I should I do now to avoid similar situation in the near futere if it is all in all posiible???

      1. Hi Irek,
        Thanks for getting in touch with us. Our Technical team would advise driving the car normally and if the system cannot re-gen with that drive style, it will give a warning indicator. If this warning indicator comes on, it has tried to re-gen but cannot and you need to drive it normally, but hold the revs slightly higher or select a lower gear than normal for a short time, 5-15mins.
        It is also very important to use good quality Diesel and not super market fuel. Also the correct oil should be used, specs for each car can be found in the owner’s manual.
        For any further information please contact Toyota in your region.
        Many thanks.

  4. My 2013 has had trips to Stevenegel Toyota Luton for four times now for DPF regeneration. I have had to pay for this except the last occasion. They programmed it so a dash board light comes on when regeneration is required so I don’t turn the engine off. I have followed all the advice and drive style Recomended. It now has an engine management light on as DPF fault. This is is the fourth occasion. I asked Steveneagel Toyota to raise the issue with Toyota UK. They have said Toyota UK will not be doing anything about it even though car is still within the 5 year warranty. I’ve been given the option for a regeneration fir a fourth time and clean up of EGR valve at my own cost. The fault code is for the DPF not the EGR. This is totally ludicrous. Four regressions and problem still not solved tells me there is a problem with this particular DPF. I drive an average of 95 to 100 miles a day on motorways at 70+ I drive it hard knowing the DPF issues. I don’t believe by regenerating again will solve the issue. Toyota UK not being fair here. My next options is to raise a log complaint procedure which I liked avoid.

      1. Subject:
        Toyota DPF is obfuscation legal ?

        Please have Toyota marketing contact me.

        I urgently want to discuss Toyota DPF obfuscation, and the need to investigate misrepresentation concerning vehicle type data lodged with UK and EU department of transport. The issue relates to testing figures included in sales literature and declared to EU Governments – known to be misleading.

        In my case a Top of the range Toyota 2014 Landcruiser Invinciple 3.0, upgraded from 2005 LC 5 LC.

        Toyota client for over a decade..
        Is being fobbed off.

        A question perhaps for Ombudsman.

        Has sale of goods act been breached ?

      2. Hi there,
        Thanks for your comment. We’d advise contacting our Customer Relations team directly. You will be able to contact them using this number: 0344 701 6202. Thanks.

    1. The dpf issue is a joke and a bad one at that noone ever provides you with info about yhis at pre sales stage, or that this is not coveted under a warranty- disgraceful and now they eant us to pay nrarly £700 to have it fully cleaned and removed.?????? Shame o n you Toyota!!!!!!our first and last Toyota.

      1. I have Toyota verso and erg valve failed which made the dpf fail Toyota won’t stand over the dpf because it’s over 60000 miles I and the Toyota garage that I am dealing with believe the dpf should be covered as it did not fail on its own the egr valve caused it I phoned Toyota and the won’t budge on the mater its costing £1500 to replace it was 2000 to start with but Toyota offered 500 of I talked with my solicitor and he reckons with Toyota offering 500 off they are admitting liability so in turn are liable for replacing part under warranty

    2. My Wife had same issue with her Yaris at Steven Eagle Letchworth. Mixed driving yet told she wasn’t driving it right… My RAV4 looks like it might be about to give me similar problems yet I do 15000 miles annual almost all motorway??

  5. Bought new 2014 Corolla d-4d in Bosnia. Engine and transmission has been solid with zero issues. Basically, I did the typical maintenance (oil, trans, tires, brakes, filters, etc.) and it is such a reliable car for last 46,000 km.
    Every time it starts DPF regeneration, I’ve never stopped the engine. Just keep on driving next 20 minutes to complete the process. No problems with DPF at all so far. City drive 90%, open road 10%.

      1. Hi Jay,
        Thanks for getting in touch. If you’re based in the UK and your Hilux is for the British market it’ll have a DPF. Thanks.

    1. Hi there,
      We’re sorry to hear this. Please could you provide your reg or VIN number so we can look further in to this for you. Thanks.

      1. Hi Toyota I also have a Toyota Avensis 2011 2L and I also have problems with it being very smoky at times

      2. Hi Stephen. We’re sorry to hear that. If you think your vehicle is not performing as it should, you should arrange for a Toyota technician to inspect it. Thanks.

  6. It is great that you are helping people on this blog. My Toyota Corolla I just bought used has VIN number SB1KC20E90F034608. Could you please tell me if I have a diesel particulate filter and what type of oil I should top up with? SemiSynthetic? Fully Synthetic? Thanks!

    1. Hi Ed,
      Thanks for your kinds words and sorry for the delayed response. We can confirm that your car doesn’t have a DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) and the engine oil specifications according to the repair manual are as follows:
      Preferred Oil Viscosity: 5W-30
      Oil grade: ACEA B1, API grade CF-4, CF or G-DLD-1.
      Hope this helps.

      1. You’re amazingly helpful! Could you please inform me if my 2008 1.4 Diesel Auris is fitted with a DPF and what oil should I use taking into account the hot climate of nearly 39 Celcius in summer?

  7. Hi Iza,
    Thank you for your kind words. Please could you provide your reg or VIN number so we can look further in to this for you. Thanks.

      1. Thanks for providing this Iza.
        We can confirm that your Auris is not fitted with a DPF, and the recommended engine oil specification is ACEA B1 or API CF-4 or CF and the recommended engine oil viscosity is 5W-30.
        5W-30 will be able cope with outside temperatures of 39°C.
        Hope this helps.

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