Toyota Auris owners – 12 volt flat batteries

2012 Toyota Auris Hybrid

As part of Toyota’s rigorous quality control programme, we have investigated the cause of a 12 volt flat battery issue that has left some Toyota Auris drivers unable to start their cars after only a short period without use, usually a couple of days.

We would like to apologise for any disappointment and inconvenience that may have occurred as a result of this issue. But we can now confirm that the cause has been identified and a permanent solution developed.

The following information only applies to any Toyota Auris (including Hybrid) produced between December 2012 and February 2014. If you have an Auris produced after February 2014 your vehicle is not affected by this issue. No other models are involved.

Toyota Auris Hybrid Flat Battery: What causes the issue?

The issue is caused when the hazard switch is partially depressed for a very short period of time, incorrectly activating the car’s CAN-bus electrical communications system. This draws a constant flow of current that can discharge the 12 volt battery if the car is left unused for several days.

How can I prevent this from occurring?

Toyota has published a Technical Service Bulletin to its dealer network advising them of a permanent solution to this issue. The bulletin contains information and software files that will enable technicians to modify the software of the car’s combination meter. This update will prevent the incorrect activation of the CAN-bus system and prevent any potential flat battery concerns arising from this area of the vehicle.

If you still have concerns regarding the 12 volt battery of your current generation Toyota Auris then we recommend you get in touch with your nearest Toyota dealer for further assistance.


    1. Hi Ian,
      David is currently away from the office hence my reply on his behalf.
      At present we are still at the stage where the advice offered in our blog post is still relevant and the most up to date. In short, while we are able to advise customers how to prevent the situation occurring in the first place, we are not currently in a position to direct owners to a Toyota dealer to carry out a permanent fix.
      This of course, is not ideal nor is it the final word on the matter.
      Our technical team are working on a process and the supply of the required equipment and instructions so that our entire network of Toyota dealers across the UK can carry out the necessary work.
      The anticipated timing for this to be completed currently stands at late May, although this is unconfirmed.
      We appreciate this is not ideal but remain grateful for your patience and for taking the time to post.
      Kind regards

  1. Hi if that’s the case, why are some. Customers being given the updat now??? I can’t wait until the end of may when the update may are may not be rolled out! I am off on holiday to France for two weeks at the end of of may, and should this happen I will expect Toyota to reimburse me for all the cost of getting me back on the road/home!!!!! This has taken to long to get resulved get a grip “customes first” before profit or there won’t be any?? Please contact my local dealer and let them know I require the up date now


    1. Ian, for some reason Toyota don’t seem to be taking this problem very seriously or realise how frustrating this is for their customers. I first had a problem with my 12v battery back in early January. Even after I gave them information from this website Toyota Technical still denied to my dealership that there was a problem with the battery. This is despite Post #94 (page 4) dated 28th January containing an explanation of the problem given by Toyota UK itself.

      I was told in late January that the software update would be out in 3-4 weeks. It was only after I had a rant on this forum on 11th March and, more publicly, on their Facebook page on the same date that I got some action. Toyota made arrangements with my local dealership and my car was updated on 21st March and has had no problem since (apart from the annoying DAB radio one described elsewhere but I can live with that). When I had my update they said it would be out to everyone else in a few weeks.

      Perhaps you should go a bit more public? At the very least complain to ‘’ that you’re missing out.

      Otherwise, I love my Hybrid and had intended to buy another one when my current one is 3 years old (it’s 14months old now). I understand that there can be problems with cars at times but it is simply Toyota’s attitude that will stop me buying from them again. I suspect I will not be alone.

    2. Hi Ian,
      We understand the frustration caused and can only apologise. In regards to a fix, we are currently working on a case-by-case basis before the fix is ready to be rolled out across the country. Given your circumstances, we will see if there is anything we can do. Our Customer Relations team will do their best to coordinate this further. If you could please let us know who your local Dealer is, we can then follow this up.
      Many thanks

  2. I had to call out the AA on two occasions as a result of a flat battery, the AA has emailed all of their patrols about the problem, I contacted the main Toyota dealer who denied there was any problem, the whole situation is totally un-acceptable and will do nothing to Toyota’s reputation.

  3. I had the same problem but complained bitterly to Toyota customer services. They agreed to send an engineer from Toyota 2 days later. All that is involved is a flash to the ecu it took 10 minutes. It has been great since, problem solved.

    I called Toyota customer services for compensation I asked for a1st year service voucher which I received the next day, I think if I had pushed it a bit more I feel that I may have got 2nd or even 3rd
    year service.

    good luck


  4. Tobi

    I have not heard from any one in your Customer Relations team! can you chese them up please, time is running out!

    I am thinking of emailing Naoya Taniguchi may be he can help!

    1. Hi Ian,
      As per our previous message, in order for us to follow this up further we need to know who your local Dealer is.
      If you would prefer to let us know by telephone, Customer Relations can be contacted directly on: 01737 367600
      Hope this helps.

  5. Hi tobi

    I called the number you gave, however they had never heard of you!!

    Anyway details below as requested

    Reg BV14 UKY has about 2000 miles, Lancaster Chelmsford, Auris Excel hatch hybrid, vin 075510

  6. I don’t think the cause of the problem is the hazard warning light switch, on my Auris I have a Bury hands free unit fixed to the dashboard and this unit covers the hazard warning light switch although it doesn’t not touch the switch, so It is not possible for me to easily catch the switch. I fail to see how this can be the problem anyway, it is possible Toyota know the real reason but are not saying for some reason.
    I have been buying Toyota cars over the last thirty years and have never had a breakdown, or, a problem until now, Toyota what is going wrong? just a few days ago my Auris has had the software up-date so I shall have to see whether it has rectified the problem, reliability is paramount, but at the moment I am not sure as to whether I can rely on the vehicle, Toyota your continued reputation is at stake here in this highly competitive market.

  7. This is ironic. I have a similar, intermittent problem with a 15-year-old car and was considering buying a new hybrid Toyota as recommended by a consumer website for my low (3,000m p.a.) usage.

    And now I find out brand-new cars have the same problem.

    Great. Just great.

    1. Hi Fred,
      Thanks for your post.
      We are in the process of finalising a fix and communicating it across our Dealer network. Unfortunately, we are not in a position just yet, to direct owners to a Dealer to carry out this permanent fix. When the fix is ready, we will update this blog post with further details.
      We hope this does not put you off purchasing a new Toyota Hybrid.
      Please let us know if you have any further concerns.

  8. I contacted Toyota Customer Service some time ago, for an update on the 12v battery problem as I am thinking about buying an Auris Hybrid. I was told to take my car (which I hadn’t yet bought) to my dealership to get the problem sorted. A stupid reply – so I’m not their biggest fan.

    However, I must say that some of the blogs on this subject are bordering on hysterical (in 2 senses of the word)

    Yes, there is a fault which should never have happened. All major manufacturers suffer this.
    When Toyota identified the problem, they announced their findings immediately – that’s the right thing to do isn’t it ?

    The problem then is, everyone wants their car fixed straightaway – and many (judging by the blogs) want their car to be priority.

    But the solution hasn’t been rolled out to dealers – so should Toyota have delayed the announcement until the dealers are set up to fix the problem.

    I’m afraid Toyota are in a no-win situation so I do think a little patience and understanding is called for.

    After all, there is an immediate “fix” – switch the hazards on/off before putting the car to bed. Not ideal by any means – but hardly difficult.

    Come on guys, as our American cousins say “cut them a bit of slack” and don’t stress yourselves.

  9. This won’t put me off a Toyota though repairs today may get me another year out of the old heap which has a new battery.

    I am surrounded by happy Toyota owners all of whom are full of praise for the standard of the local dealer and its willingness to engage with Toyota GB when there are problems to sort a fix or even turn in a problem car with a deal good enough to keep the customer with the brand. Cars go wrong and increasing complexity means solutions can take a bit longer; it’s how the automaker handles them that matters. Toyota has a good reputation for this unlike several other brands, whose cars we now rarely see in my neighbourhood.

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