Catalytic converter theft: how to protect your car

Catalytic converter theft from cars isn’t a new crime, but it has increased significantly in recent times.

Police forces around the UK are advising owners of any car fitted with a catalytic converter to take precautions. In Toyota’s case it is second and third-generation Prius models (2004-2009 and 2009-2016 respectively) and second-generation Auris Hybrids (2012-2018) which have been particular targets for thieves.

Below we’ve gathered the best advice for Toyota owners who may be concerned.

What is a catalytic converter? 

The catalytic converter is part of the car’s emissions control system. It cleans up the exhaust gases before they are expelled from the car through the exhaust pipe. Its internal elements react with the gases, breaking them down into less harmful substances and water vapour. All new cars sold in Europe since 1993 have had to be fitted with a catalytic converter by law.

Why are they a target for thieves?

Clearly the police are best placed to offer advice on the motives behind this crime. But we understand that the value of the catalytic converter for recycling is the main attraction to thieves, because it contains precious metals such as rhodium, platinum and palladium.

What can owners do to stop their cars being targeted?

Some owners have chosen to tag their catalytic converters with an invisible yet traceable forensic marking solution, such as that provided by SmartWater. This means that a stolen catalytic converter can be traced to a specific crime, helping police in their attempts to fight the organised gangs responsible. It also raises the risk to all those handling the devices along the criminal chain, from theft to eventual disposal and recycling. Mechanical theft prevention products such as Catloc devices can also deter thieves.

However, it must be noted that catalytic converter theft is a criminal operation and the scope of owners is therefore limited. Police forces are taking action, so it is important for anyone who is a victim of this crime to report it as quickly as possible.

In the main, older cars are more likely to be targeted. This is because advances in efficiency and technology mean the latest generations of catalytic converters contain vastly lower amounts of precious metals, while still doing their job just as well or even better. This means their value for recycling is very low and they are not attractive to thieves.

Does a mechanical lock give my car 100% protection from thieves?

Sadly not. It can make theft more difficult but thieves are using high-powered cutting tools to remove catalytic converters and because of this it is not possible to make them ‘unstealable’. A mechanical locking device makes it harder to steal a catalytic converter because it slows down thieves and therefore acts as a deterrent.

If I’m worried about my Toyota model, what should I do?

If you are worried about potential catalytic converter theft from your Toyota, we recommend you use our locator tool to find your nearest Toyota centre and contact them to discuss the best way to protect your car.

This article was last updated on 2 November 2024, so some of the responses to reader comments below have been superseded by more recent information.


  1. Hi. Sorry to add to the misery but my cat got partially sawn off last week. Gen 2 Prius. I’ve started an insurance claim but I’m wondering if they’ll right it off as it has 127k miles on the clock – 2005 registered car. How much does Toyota charge the garage/insurance company for the replacement part? I’ve seen cheap ones on Ebay for £100 but I’m not sure I’d trust that! What is the price of a catloc fitted please?

    1. Hi James,

      Sorry to hear your vehicle has been targeted by thieves. A replacement part can be up to £1000 and a fitted Catloc should cost around £150 fitted including VAT for your vehicle.


  2. I’ve also been a victim of catalytic converter theft. This took place Friday night 19.02.21 from our driveway. Thieves were disturbed but it did not put them off. 2 men under my car, whilst another 2 armed men were keeping watch and ready to attack should anyone intervene. Whole attack took 2 minutes and was caught on cctv with Police notified.
    I’m sorry but I think Toyota need to take more responsibility. Affected Auris and Prius models should be part of a recall. This would be the most effective way of communicating and would alert all car owners of potential theft and what further action they need to take.
    I will be out of pocket either way now. If I don’t go through insurance, the replacement part costs £940’ish plus labour costs, so the total will be in region of £1200. I will have to go through my insurance, pay the excess and then be at risk of increased premiums. Anyone with an Auris or Prius, will probably have their insurance premiums rocket in price, regardless of whether they’re a victim or not. It’s simply not fair.
    It has seriously put me off Toyota and I’m thinking of selling my car as I don’t want the risk of intruders on my property again. If Toyota do not accept responsibility they will lose loyal customers such as myself who is on my 5th Toyota car. Cat locks should be fitted free of cost if Toyota hope to retain their loyal customers and limit the brand damage.

    1. Hi,

      We are very sorry to hear that your vehicle has been targeted by thieves. Technically, any car fitted with a catalyitc converter is at risk, and thefts of this kind have been happening for many years. It is only in the last few years there has been a sharp increase, due to the rise in value of some of the materials found inside the catalytic converter. This is not something that Toyota could have foreseen when your car was developed. Unfortunately there is little anybody can do to stop determined/dangerous criminals with weapons and power tools. Recalls are for safety related issues, not criminal issues. Again, we’re sorry to hear that your vehicle has been targeted and hope you are back on the road again soon.


    2. Our Auris Hybrid car was stolen on the same day around 9pm in my driveway too. I don’t know how to do something next.

      1. Hi Mark,

        We’re very sorry to hear this. Please report this to the Police immediately and then get in touch with your local Toyota Centre who will be able to source replacement parts for your Auris and discuss preventative measures.


    3. Finally, My insurance company fixed my Auris Hybrid car. the car was delivered today. However, we are still nerves and worry that thefts will come back at an unexpected time. Even I realized the replacement of catalytic conveter isn’t the same as the old model. My I have two questions: 1. has that replacement lower value and less attractive to thefts? 2. do I still need to install a catlock? thanks

      1. Hi Mark,
        Thanks for getting in touch.
        This would be something to contact your insurer about as we have no way of knowing which catalytic converter your vehicle has been fitted with and whether this is a genuine Toyota part or not.
        A CatLoc is designed to offer extra protection, so we would recommend getting one installed. However, it can be very difficult to stop determined thieves with power tools.

  3. I live in Derby. My Auris Hybrid catalytic converter was stolen from the drive on Sunday evening Feb 7th at 9:30pm. The police were quickly on the scene but the 3 men had gone. They were wearing balaclavas. I was shocked to be confronted on my drive by such brazen thieves. It does appear to be a massive issue for the Toyota Auris’ and I wouldn’t recommend anyone to get one. The repair is going through the insurance but the garage have rung and emailed to say their Toyota parts supplier “still don’t have an estimated arrival date from factory”. My fear is that when I get the car back the gang will also return even though I plan to get the £250 catloc. I don’t want to go through this again

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for getting in touch with us. We’re so sorry to hear that your vehicle has been targeted by thieves and appreciate the distress this must have caused.

      Any vehicle containing a catalytic converter is in theory at risk of theft, and, although these thefts have been happening for many years, there has been a rise in recent times due to the increase in value of some of the metals contained inside this part.

      We believe criminals are targeting older Toyota vehicles such as the Auris because of the higher concentration of these desired materials, and this is why we have developed theft deterrent devices to try and protect customers from further attacks.

      However, criminals with high-grade power tools can be very determined and therefore difficult to stop entirely.

      We are doing all we can to secure supply of replacement parts and hope you are back on the road as soon as possible.


    1. Hi Stuart,
      Thanks for contacting us.
      We only produce CatLocs for vehicles considered to be most at risk, and this does not include the C-HR.
      Please contact your nearest Toyota Centre for information on other theft prevention options.

  4. Another Auris driver who has had this happen. It is currently going through the insurance but as so many have said the parts are on back order so who knows when the car will be returned.
    We purchased our Auris in January 2020 and I do feel strongly that Toyota should have at the very least mentioned having a Catloc fitted to the car, surely this comes under good customer service and we would have gone for it. My only thought is that your salesman didn’t want to ‘lose’ the sale but here we are now without our car and having to get the Catloc fitted anyway.

    1. Hi Duncan,
      Thanks for contacting us. We’re so sorry to hear this.
      We have tried to make sure that as many customers as possible are aware of this horrible crime through a variety of different communication methods, but we’re sorry that this messaging didn’t reach you.
      We’re currently working hard to try and secure replacement parts supplies and get our customers back on the road as soon as possible.
      We appreciate the distress this crime must have caused and are truly sorry that your vehicle has been targeted by these brazen thieves.

    2. My Toyota Auris had its Cat stolen from my drive 27th Feb 2021 in broad daylight afternoon around 4pm. It took the 3 men. One was in the car the other jacked my car up and the third to remove the part within 3 minutes. I only realised once I noticed a loud noise. By the time I got to my front door they were already getting away. Nobody told me of this issue not even Toyota when I bought the car used approved. I am so angry & frustrated. We have this pandemic & trade is very bad and to top it up this happens is very heart breaking. I am considering selling my Toyota as am worried this will definitely happen again!

  5. Hi

    I just bought prius plug in 2019 model and fixed Catlock from Toyota dealer

    Dealer said there is no tilt alarm provided for 2019 model

    Can you pls tell me when is it coming ?

  6. Hello, we just purchased a used Auris from a Toyota main dealership. I asked them to fit a Catlock which they did for £250. The Catloc registration instructions advise if a dealer fitted the Catloc they should register. When I asked the dealership this week they advise they do not register Catlocs they have fitted due to GDPR regulations. Can you confirm this is correct please as the other Catloc registration instructions say to register in my name of I fitted it which I did not? Many thanks for your help.

  7. I to had my cat stolen on the 2/10/2021 in weston super mare in lock down but it dont stop them and its not all cats its all hybrid cars and as mine was a 2006 prius im not going to get this cat put on as its way to expensive and i didnt bother to inform insurance as my premiums will rocket and toyota never sent me any messages about these types of thrifts but i have tought of a solution to this and its not a cat lock but i need to patent the idea unless toyota would like to buy it off me but i know it would work to stop them taking the cat

  8. I bought and collected a 2017 Toyota Auris from a Toyota Showroom last Saturday (20.02.21). The catalytic converter was stolen yesterday at 9.15am from a highly populated residential street. A neighbour confronted the thieves but this didn’t deter them and they were gone in minutes. Both I and my neighbour have reported the theft to the police.

    I note the comment below that the theft of catalytic converters is not something Toyota could have foreseen when the car was developed, however, it is now quite clear that this is a common and expensive problem for owners. I was offered a catloc, but not for £150 as suggested by this website but for £250. I wasn’t given any further information about it and I declined because I didn’t realise how significant a problem this was. Given the prevalence of this problem, I feel Toyota should have catlocs fitted to all the ‘at risk’ cars it sells. If Toyota are not looking to make a profit why wasn’t this done?

    I will have to claim this on my insurance and I am now left having to decide whether the risk and cost of this happening again (and the impact on my no claims bonus and insurance premiums) means I should sell this car back to the Toyota garage I bought it from a week ago at a significant loss. I think the the Auris is a great car but if anyone is reading this blog before buying one, please don’t make the same mistake. Either get a catloc (which may or may not work) or choose another model!

  9. hi
    can toyota tell me if toyota auris 2005 , 1.4 d-4d has an external catalytic converter like the prius hybrid please as had prius catalytic converter with catloc been cut and stolen second time
    anyone has a list of toyota cars which has catalytic converters stealable or safe toyota models please, toyota uk has not replied to this specific email

    1. Hi Prakash,

      Due to the nature of the cataclytic converter, and its function, it needs to be placed between the engine and the exhaust. Therefore, it must be positioned externally. Any car from any manufacturer, fitted with a catalytic converter is technically at risk and the 2005 Auris is no different. It is attractive to thieves because the materials inside have increased massively in value in the last few years, something that could not have been foreseen all those years ago. We have greatly reduced the concentration of these materials in our very latest cars, sometimes up to around 80%, making them less attractive.


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