Catalytic converter theft: how to protect your car

Catalytic converter theft from cars isn’t a new crime, but it has increased significantly in recent times.

Police forces around the UK are advising owners of any car fitted with a catalytic converter to take precautions. In Toyota’s case it is second and third-generation Prius models (2004-2009 and 2009-2016 respectively) and second-generation Auris Hybrids (2012-2018) which have been particular targets for thieves.

Below we’ve gathered the best advice for Toyota owners who may be concerned.

What is a catalytic converter? 

The catalytic converter is part of the car’s emissions control system. It cleans up the exhaust gases before they are expelled from the car through the exhaust pipe. Its internal elements react with the gases, breaking them down into less harmful substances and water vapour. All new cars sold in Europe since 1993 have had to be fitted with a catalytic converter by law.

Why are they a target for thieves?

Clearly the police are best placed to offer advice on the motives behind this crime. But we understand that the value of the catalytic converter for recycling is the main attraction to thieves, because it contains precious metals such as rhodium, platinum and palladium.

What can owners do to stop their cars being targeted?

Some owners have chosen to tag their catalytic converters with an invisible yet traceable forensic marking solution, such as that provided by SmartWater. This means that a stolen catalytic converter can be traced to a specific crime, helping police in their attempts to fight the organised gangs responsible. It also raises the risk to all those handling the devices along the criminal chain, from theft to eventual disposal and recycling. Mechanical theft prevention products such as Catloc devices can also deter thieves.

However, it must be noted that catalytic converter theft is a criminal operation and the scope of owners is therefore limited. Police forces are taking action, so it is important for anyone who is a victim of this crime to report it as quickly as possible.

In the main, older cars are more likely to be targeted. This is because advances in efficiency and technology mean the latest generations of catalytic converters contain vastly lower amounts of precious metals, while still doing their job just as well or even better. This means their value for recycling is very low and they are not attractive to thieves.

Does a mechanical lock give my car 100% protection from thieves?

Sadly not. It can make theft more difficult but thieves are using high-powered cutting tools to remove catalytic converters and because of this it is not possible to make them ‘unstealable’. A mechanical locking device makes it harder to steal a catalytic converter because it slows down thieves and therefore acts as a deterrent.

If I’m worried about my Toyota model, what should I do?

If you are worried about potential catalytic converter theft from your Toyota, we recommend you use our locator tool to find your nearest Toyota centre and contact them to discuss the best way to protect your car.

This article was last updated on 2 November 2024, so some of the responses to reader comments below have been superseded by more recent information.


  1. Same issue here John. Mine was also stolen in January 2020, insurance company took a month to sort out (I regret going through insurance and anybody affected should really think twice before making that call)
    CatLock grinds against speed humps in certain locations, even when driving well below posted speed limit, over the months I made a mental map of places with speed humps that struck the catlock and try to avoid or go over at about 1mph- I don’t know if there is a solution.
    So far, catlock seems to be doing the trick- it’s been 10 months since it has been installed but I’m taking into account that insurance company fitted non OEM CAT which has apparently less value to thieves.
    But because it is an aftermarket part, it doesn’t perform as well as OEM and the days of getting 560miles on a 40 litre tank are long gone. These days if I get 400miles i consider it a good run.
    Best if toyota just came clean with this and informed customers how have purchased already or sitting on the fence, so people have a chance to decide and base their decision on facts, rather than sales person trying to get rid of stock…

  2. I have just had my catalytic converter stolen couple of weeks back. Went through hassle of reporting it to Police, insurance co. as well as to Toyota Customer Relationship Team too. I have a Auris 2010 and my insurance covered the cost this time, but next time sure they won’t plus next year my insurance premium will shoot up. I was a big fan of hybrid cars but now would not recommend anyone buying a Toyota hybrid car as it’s no safe any more!! I have tried to explain Toyota Customer Relationship team but no joy i.e. if this Prius, Auris Cat Convertors is so easily accessible and is pretty quick & easy target for thieves then this is flaw in the design itself and that Toyota should compensate to effected customers with at least covering the cost for stolen Cat and fit with Cat Lock & Tilt Sensor as a complementary like other Brands do to keep their customer happy Mercedes, Ford etc. Hope to see some actions from Toyota & not only promises!!

    1. Hi Manish,
      Thanks for getting in touch. We’re so sorry to hear this.
      We can see that you have been in touch with our Customer Relations team and that they have explained the great lengths to which we have gone to develop deterrents such as CatLocs and tilt sensors.
      We have also taken action to reduce the precious metal content of the catalytic converters in our newer hybrids.
      If you wish to discuss your situation further, you can reply to the email sent to your by our Customer Relations team.

  3. This is causing no end of stress. My CAT was stolen from my Auris parked outside my house last week, leaving me unable to get to work work. It’s back and fixed.. parked in the same place with a brand new CAT as I have nowhere else to put it, so every morning I press the start button with a sense of utter dread that the thieves have returned. My insurance company won’t let me install a CATLOC until I tell them the exact model that will be fitted and by who, as apparently it’s an aftermarket modification of the car and may effect my premiums (on top of the fact I’m likely to get screwed at the next renewal). Basically at the end of my tether with this. I’m left with an increasingly expensive theft magnet sitting in the open in a place known to thieves, and there’s nothing I can do about it because of bureaucracy. It’s a lovely car. I wish I’d never bought it.

    1. Hi Ed,
      Thanks for getting in touch. We’re really sorry to hear that your vehicle has been targeted by thieves and appreciate the distress this must have caused.
      There is an official Toyota CatLoc available for the Auris, and your nearest Toyota Centre will be able to advise on which part has been fitted.
      You can find your nearest centre to book your vehicle in, here:
      Our Customer Relations team are best placed to discuss your situation with you further should you wish to, and they can be contacted here:
      Once again, we are so sorry to hear that you have been affected by this terrible crime.

      1. I’m about to purchase a Toyota C-HR Icon Hydrid. Should I be concerned? Are these models also being targeted? Please I want the TRUTH and nothing but the truth. 🙏🏽

      2. Hi JP,
        Thank you both for your comment and for considering Toyota.
        We only produce CatLocs for vehicles considered to be most at risk, and this does not include the C-HR.

  4. On the 8/2/2021 my catalectic converter was stolen from my Toyota Auris Hybrid in SE1 London. Police said they can not do any thing and just gave a crime number. Now I don’t feel my car is safe anymore. Great car but think I will have to get rid of it. Something should be done so these criminals can not sell them on. you see scrap yard advertising that they buy catalectic converters.

    1. Hi Paul,
      Thanks for your comment. We’re really sorry to hear that your vehicle has been affected by this awful crime.
      We have engaged with many different organisations, including the Home Office, Local MPs, and the National Lead for Vehicle Crime, in order to try and identify issues with existing legislation as well as raising the profile of the crime.
      Over time, we have developed devices such as CatLocs to try and protect customers from further attacks alongside bolt caps, component etching and tilt alarms, although we’re sure you will appreciate that criminals with high-grade power tools are very difficult to completely protect against.
      There is a CatLoc available for the Auris, and this can be ordered through your nearest Toyota Centre.
      Once again, we are truly sorry that you have been a victim of this crime.

      1. Have had the CatLoc & tilt alarm fitted but very expensive. Should these not be subsidise on the Auris model as these seem to be targeted at. If I had been informed about the thefts I would have had the CatLoc fitted a long time ago.

  5. Ok got mine stolen today on my 5 year old auris.
    If Toyota was doing everything you can then how is that I was not even remotely aware that my car model is the number one target for stealing Cat .
    If you had done even as simple as warning customers like me, perhaps I would not be in this situation.
    Thanks to you Toyota I now have a very good reason to get rid of my car and sleep peacefully.

    1. Hi Prad,
      Thanks for getting in touch with us. We’re sorry to hear that you have been a victim of this crime.
      Toyota published police advice on this crime as soon as it could online, wrote to our dealer network to brief customers and wrote directly to owners of a number of our vehicles where we had details to do so. We have tried to ensure as many of our customers as possible are aware.
      We have also developed and are supplying theft deterrent devices at zero profit such as CatLocs, tilt alarms, bolt caps and component etching to protect consumers from further attacks, but criminals are using high-grade power tools are hard to completely protect against.
      We do produce a CatLoc for the Auris, and this can be ordered through your nearest Toyota Centre.
      Should you wish to discuss your situation further, our Customer Relations team are best placed to do so with you.
      They can be contacted here:
      Again, we are truly sorry that your vehicle has been targeted by thieves.

      1. None of the measures you mentioned in your reply is working.
        Publishing online without leading the customers to the article is pointless.
        Writing to dealer network and to customers directly is a myth as I never had even a sniff of the current magnitude of thefts until the Cat got stolen.
        In essence what every steps you say you are doing is making zero impact as far as I am concerned as I have not one but two Toyota cars and the only communication I get from you is invitations to come and buy new cars from you.

  6. I WAS the proud owner of a new Toyota Prius+ in July on the Motability scheme until I was a victim of this crime a week ago and now I’m angry – not just at the thieves who stole the catalytic converter whilst the car was parked on my driveway, but at Toyota! The garage told me about this Catloc thing and after a few enquiries, found out that it costs £350 and from what I can tell, all it does is make the converter a little more time-consuming for the thieves to get to. More of a deterrent than an actual solution to the problem. As a disabled person, I am 100% reliant on my car and I need it to be reliable – NOT a liability! You just know that the kids that stole it will be back within a week because they know it will have a new converter in it! Why should we car owners have to pay for a Catloc device? Why don’t Toyota fix the flaw in their car’s design in the first place. At the very least they should fit the Catloc free of charge to any vehicle that has had their converter stolen. I have to wonder how much Toyota are making from the sales of all these additional converters and then the Catloc devices, which I have no idea will stop the thieves anyway. I feel like I’m being taken advantage of on all sides and that has made so very angry.

    1. Hi Sadie,
      Thanks for your comment. We’re sorry to hear that you’ve been affected by this crime.
      We have produced CatLocs, bolt caps, component etching and tilt alarms to try and prevent customers from further attacks, although determined criminals with power tools can be very difficult to stop.
      This is not a design flaw. Due to the nature of the catalytic converter, it needs to be placed between the engine and the exhaust.
      The reason they are being stolen is that the value of the materials inside the converter has risen dramatically in recent times. We are working with the police to try change legislation to stop criminals from profiting.
      CatLocs are produced at zero profit to Toyota UK for the benefit of our customers.
      As with all crimes, you should report this to the police.
      Please contact your nearest Toyota centre to get a replacement part fitted.

  7. Had my catalytic converter stolen off my 2010 prius today in Dover, Kent. I’ve had the vehicle for less than a year and bought direct from Toyota – why aren’t you fitting cat locks as standard before selling at risk cars to your customers? I am a key worker and now have no vehicle to get to and from work in a pandemic and have a huge bill to repair the car (excess on insurance is high) and will lose my no claims discount. I feel really really unsafe now, I don’t know what to do to stop them coming back as soon as it’s fixed without having to spend even more money! I appreciate Toyota aren’t the thieves but I really think you ought to be doing more for customers coming through you for vehicles you know are at particular risk. I feel let down.

  8. I am looking to buy a plug in prius 2020 and just wondering if the car require a cat loc to be fitted regarding cat theft. Please tell me the truth. Thank you.

    1. Hi Rak,

      Thanks for your interest in the Prius Plug-in. Technically, any car fitted with a catalytic converter is at risk However, we produce Catlocs for cars that are regularly targeted by criminals. Prius Plug-in isn’t one of those.


  9. I have a 20 Reg Rav-4 Hybrid – are there Catlocs for these? I am really concerned about this situation. I’d like to know what the current prices are for getting any extra security such as etching, tilt sensor etc. As already stated we should be seeing preferential treatment on this especially with brand new vehicles, I didn’t buy it because I am loaded but as a reliable & safe vehicle, it’s got to last me many years 🙁

    1. Hi Stan,
      Thanks for getting in touch.
      We do not produce a CatLoc for the RAV4. This is because, whilst any car containing a catalytic converter is in theory at risk of theft, we have taken action to reduce the precious metal content in our newer hybrids, therefore making them less attractive to thieves. CatLocs are also only produced for vehicles that are regularly targeted by criminals, and RAV4 is not one of these.
      Please contact your nearest Toyota centre for information on other theft prevention options.

  10. Thankyou Toyota. My Aris catalytic converter got stolen today. And was surprised Toyota never mentioned the high target of steeling Toyota cat- converter
    Today I am in caos . My insurance is also with Toyota. Having no fault of mine. Still Toyota will raise my insurance premium
    I wish Toyota would have been more responsible to look after their customer . Will never recommend

    1. Hi Deepa,
      Thanks for your comment. We’re so sorry to hear that you have been affected by this crime.
      We have tried to make sure as many customers as possible are aware through publishing police advice online, briefing our dealer network and even writing directly to customers where possible.
      Theft deterrent devices such as CatLocs, tilt alarms, bolt caps and component etching have also been developed to try and protect customers from further attacks. However, criminals with high-grade power tools are very difficult to completely protect against.
      We do produce a CatLoc for the Auris, and this can be ordered through your nearest Toyota Centre.
      Our Customer Relations team are best placed to discuss your specific situation further with you should you wish to, and they can be contacted here:
      Once again, we are really sorry to hear that your vehicle has been targeted by thieves.

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