Inside a Toyota recall: everything you need to know

As a responsible code of practice linked to consumer protection and safety, recalls occur throughout the manufacturing industry.

According to the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), the government agency responsible for the UK Automotive Safety Recall Scheme, a vehicle safety recall is “the action taken when a [safety] defect is identified… that could result in a risk of serious injury.”

Toyota takes a safety recall very seriously. As such, most are initiated as a result of the company’s own investigations, rather than the intervention of the DVSA or a third party.

Worldwide, Toyota technical experts undertake thorough investigations and compile detailed reports on any issues experienced with Toyota vehicles, even many years after their original launch. With customer safety the top priority, Toyota takes the initiative, whenever necessary, to prompt a recall through official channels. These help continually raise Toyota’s levels of quality and reliability and also serve to highlight improvements that could not have been foreseen during manufacture or extensive development programmes.

Once initiated and a car recall has been confirmed, the DVSA has the right to publish a public report, identifying the vehicle manufacturer, component, or parts supplier concerned. At this time most manufacturers release a statement to the media.

It is then the responsibility of the manufacturer to take all reasonable steps to make contact with the owners of affected vehicles. In line with its commitment to customer care, one of Toyota’s first activities is to create a vehicle look-up facility (called a recall checker) on

This allows customers to enter a registration or vehicle identification number to ascertain if their vehicle if affected. It can be found by clicking on the following link:

While this process is extremely thorough, a consequence could be a significant delay from the time an owner of an affected vehicle is made aware of a recall to the time the repairs or modifications are actually carried out.

For example, it can take up to 20 days for the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) to supply the manufacturer with the postal addresses of all registered owners. Also the precise wording of all communications between the owner and manufacturer describing the recall has to be agreed.

Time is also required by manufacturers to notify and sometimes train the service centres, manufacture and supply new components and repair tools, set-up customer care hotlines and make allowances for postage times for the recall letters. All in all, from media announcement through to the actual repair, it can in some instance take up to six weeks.

Safety recalls are monitored by the DVSA every three months. All safety recall repairs are carried out by official dealers, who then will advise the DVSA of all the completed vehicles.

Frequently asked questions:

How many vehicle safety recalls are issued every year?
Information from the DVSA shows that from over 40 car and light goods vehicle manufacturers represented in the UK during the financial year from 2016 to 2017, there was a total of 268 safety recalls affecting 1,796,753 vehicles.

Why can there sometimes be a delay between hearing about a safety recall via the media and receiving a notification letter from the manufacturer?
The DVSA has the right to publish notification of a safety recall immediately after the conclusion of its investigation. However, the manufacturer needs up to six weeks to gather vehicle keeper information from the DVLA, publish a warranty bulletin for the dealers, complete regional training if necessary, arrange the distribution of new components, and notify the registered owner by letter.

Why do we tend to hear about Toyota’s safety recalls more than those of other manufacturers?
Historically, hundreds of safety recalls are carried out each year but manufacturers can choose whether to publicise their existence. Toyota prides itself on the transparency of its operations, and the safety of its vehicles is paramount. If a fault occurs, we want people to know that the issue is being resolved as quickly as possible and that every effort is taken to repair affected vehicles, irrespective of whether they are currently being maintained within the dealer network.

How effective is Toyota’s handling of safety recalls?
Toyota’s handling of recalls is extremely effective. On average and across all manufacturers in the industry, 91.7% of owners with affected cars are contacted and the repairs completed. Toyota’s average is over 93%.


  1. Its all very well telling me my toyota and for that matter my wifes toyota are being recalled but for the last two years we have been trying to get a local dealership to carry out these repairs but they they are not interested, very sad as our cars are otherwise excellent. We will look at another brand vehicle when the time comes to change them sadly.

    1. Hi Michael,

      Thanks for getting in touch. We are sorry to hear you are not getting anywhere with your centre. We can assure you it is very important to us that all vehicles are seen to as soon as parts are available. Please contact our customer relations team here, who will look into this for you:


  2. My car was picked up and taken a few miles away I felt there was not enough petrol in the car I told this to the collection agent who asked me to top it up I refused as I felt I shouldn’t be out of pocket,I was also concerned that the letter I received had been sent to my previous address including my registration this address I had left due to an abusive relationship no my ex partner has my registration no need to put my reg on the letter many thanks

  3. My wife was due to collect a brand new Toyota Aygo X on the first of the month for her birthday (October)we are now being told it cannot be released ?,any explanation grateful please

    1. Hi Glyn,
      We are currently investigating this and every effort is being made to minimise the inconvenience that this delay to the arrival of your new car will cause.
      We apologise for the ongoing inconvenience caused as a result of this action but safety & quality remains at the heart of what we do.
      We appreciate your ongoing support in this matter.

  4. We had a product recall on our car. When we got it back we didn’t know that there were so much problems they told we need to change this and that and totalled our bill to 2300pounds. We had just bought the car on finance 9 month ago. We said will take it to our local garage to fix it because they quoted the price so high but now when my wife drove right after we bought it from the recall center not only did the car stop on the highway there was no accelerator power. It was not only dangerous for us but it was also dangerous for our kids. How can you guys be so careless. When we called customer service they said that it is not their fault. How can car that was working fine and when we gave it for a product recall it stopped working properly and making it dangerous for us. The worst feeling I ever had never have I ever felt so angry at people for being so careless and negligence.

    1. Hello Ganesh, thank you for your message.

      We’re sorry to hear you feel this way and apologise for your’s and your wife’s recent experience. Our Toyota Centres have a duty of care to advise you of any problems they see with your car but it is of course down to you as the owner, if you take any action and where you choose to do this.

      If you would like to raise a complaint with our Customer Relations Department, you can do this here:

      We hope to see your car back on the road again soon and hope to restore your faith in the future.

      Thank you.

  5. I was due to collect my new 2024 model C-HR on 20/01/24. On the morning of the 19/01/2024 the Dealership called to confirm the car would be ready for collection at 1300 the next day. They even sent me a video of the car. I got a further call around 1500 to tell me there’s bad news. The car was subject to a recall and Toyota have instructed the Dealership not give customers theirs cars until all cars subject to the recall have had the recall issue fixed. Therefore estimated date for collecting my car is now the end of January or beginning of February. The Dealership knew about this recall prior to my car being delivered to them, and the recall issue was rectified as soon as they received the car. Regardless of the fact that my car was fixed and ready for me to collect, Toyota told the Dealership they aren’t allowed to give me my car until every car subject to the recall has been rectified!! That just doesn’t make sense to me at all. Cars that were rectified should have gone out to customers as planned, or Toyota should have given customers their money back until they could get their cars. I am currently losing a lot of interest on the money I paid Toyota for my car. A car I now can’t get for weeks after planned collection date, even though its sat at the Dealership with the recall issue fixed! Absolutely crazy! A massive own goal by Toyota. Myself and I’m sure other customers in the same situation will be very frustrated and angry that Toyota have adopted what seems like a senseless policy.
    I have not seen or heard of any plans by Toyota to reimburse customers who have paid for their cars in full. I have also had to cancel insurance for the car, which was subject to a fee. I feel Toyota should compensate myself and others in the same situation. I lay no blame at all on the Dealership. They have had their hands tied by Toyota’s instructions on this matter. I’m sure many customers will be put off purchasing a Toyota car again after this.

  6. While checking MOT history, I have noticed that an outstanding recall on my car Toyota Aygo (2013) and contacted Toyota (0800 046 7469) on 30th April’2024. Toyota representative informed me that all repairs related to recall had been carried out in Feb’2024, which I wasn’t aware at all.

    If all repairs were carried out in Feb’2024 as informed by Toyota representative, why didn’t it reflect on MOT.GOV.UK website? If it was completed, why didn’t inform the customer? Please advise how to update on MOT.GOV.UK website.

    1. Hi Jemcy, thanks for getting in touch.

      We cannot confirm without knowing your vehicle details, but you can contact the DVLA to discuss on 0300 790 6802.


      Toyota UK

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