Genuine parts: Toyota through and through

Your Toyota deserves genuine Toyota parts. For quality, durability and reliability, nothing else comes close.

The parts your local Toyota Centre will put on your car were tested and engineered at the time the vehicle was designed, and have been put through a long process of testing and analysis before by signed off by Toyota. A pattern part might be able to do the same job, but it won’t have been through the same rigorous and lengthy development. Our technicians will only fit genuine Toyota parts – no ifs, no buts, no cut corners.

By fitting genuine Toyota parts your car remains 100% a Toyota. The parts perform better, last longer and are more reliable than non-standard parts.

Genuine exhausts fit better, are quieter and more durable than non-genuine alternatives. Toyota oil filters may look like an aftermarket filter, but the Toyota part will do a better job of looking after your engine. Brakes are vital for safety, so why fit anything other than brakes which have been designed and engineered specifically for your car? Toyota brakes are tested in extreme weather and a wide range of temperatures to make sure they keep you and yours safe in all conditions.

If you are unlucky enough to have an accident, our body repair shops will bring the car back to ‘as new’ condition. By fixing the car with genuine components and bodywork the safety and durability of your Toyota will be just as good as the day it rolled off the production line.

When comparing the cost of genuine parts and non-standard alternatives, don’t forget to consider the warranty that applies to every genuine Toyota component. You can expect at least a 12-month warranty on a Toyota part. Is the same true of a non-standard component?

Use Toyota parts, and your car will continue to be the genuine article.

See also:
Toyota car servicing: fixed price, fixed first time
Fixed price servicing


    1. Hi there,
      It may be worth contacting your local Toyota Dealer with regards to this query. Alternatively, there may be parts available on our Official Toyota eBay store. Many thanks.

  1. Im looking for TOYOTA Corolla-Transmission Gear Shifter Shift Control Cable
    model 2002 E12 T3 VVT-I 1.6
    cc 1598 .

  2. HI I’m looking for a toyota yaris hybrid 2012 front panel(front bumper) . where can I get an original fro this please?

    1. Hi Abdul, thanks for getting in touch.

      The parts department of your local Toyota Centre is best placed to assist with this.


      Toyota UK

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